Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm Alive! Also, a cowboy.

I'm terrible at posting frequently...  But anyway, here's evidence of my recent doings.

A walk cycle:

It's definitely not perfect. The back arm is a little weird, and the whole body feels a bit mushier than I'd like. And please note, I spent zero time on the background.  I should work on it more, but I really want to move on to something else.   Although a tumbleweed would be cool...

I would like to thank the amazing audio drama, We're Alive, for filling my long hours of tedious clean up with exciting zombie apocalypse action.  I highly recommend it.

There are drawings as well: 

'Til soon!  Thanks.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I heart Giraffes!!

So lately my 30-minutes-drawing-a-day has been more 30 minutes every 3 days.  But my upcoming work schedule is a little less hectic, so that it going to change this week.  I don't like this batch quite so much, but these are some of the more finished and/or interesting ones.
I've also finished sprucing up some other work.  It's up on the Boards/Characters page to your right.

And I've been working on this giraffe walk.  It doesn't look like much yet, but it will.  I just have to figure out the best way to clean it up.  All those spots...

I like giraffes.  They're so graceful.  But kind of awkward too.  

My original idea was to do 30 walk cycles in 30 days, but I'm finding that I'm a bit rusty, and it's taking me longer than I'd like.  Plus with work and life and all of that, it's not always easy to find time.  But I'd be happy with a cycle a week.  That'd be amazing.

On my list: Red Panda walk, horse run, otter bounce, octopus... slither?  drag? Don't know what you'd call that...  So many cool animals to choose from.  Thank you youtube for your  abundance of reference material.  : )

Okay, so I'm back on the art-wagon now.  30 minutes of life drawing a day and a walk cycle a week.  I'm totally gonna do this. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Spring (finally)

Happy Easter everyone!  And happy Spring!  I'm so ready for the nicer weather.  I mean, I will miss the scarves and the hats and the hot cocoa and the pretty snow, but I have so much more energy when I'm not struggling to keep my fingers warm. 

I hope you all are enjoying the warm too!!

Here are some of my drawings from this week.  There were quite a few that I liked this time around.  Yay : )

I think part of my problem is that I do a lot of short poses.  And they're great.  But I always seem to mess up the proportions in the short ones.  The longer ones I can draw some grids and things to keep things where they should be.  But the smaller ones I can't really...

Also faces.  And feet.  And hands.  And general rendering...  But it's all getting better, methinks.

Now, if only I could get blogger to arrange these how I like them...
I think this was about an hour
30 second ninja : )
5 min

45-1 hr per figure
Look how itty-bitty my pencils are now!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Drawing-A-Day week 1

So, I want to turn this into a drawing-a-day blog. I have a number friends, and people I admire from afar, have done this, and I think it's a good idea. So, here we are!

Here's week one. For the record I'm super not-happy with the present state of my figure drawing skills. I honestly feel like I became worse while I was in school. So frustrating. But I've been doing daily figure sessions using this awesome online tool I found. These are the more finished of the 30-odd pages I went through this week. They have lots of problems... but they'll get there.

Comments/critiques are welcome and appreciated.

I'm gonna need more paper soon. Yay : )

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Warning: Construction Zone!

To anyone out there right now, please note that this page is still under construction! 

I have a lot of drawing samples and whatnot that I'm planning on putting up ASAP.  But there are videos and a link to my demo reel, if you're interested.   

Also, the banner.  I wanted it to be a moving, flash banner, but it hasn't worked out.  All that shows up is this blank white box. I'm still working on it...  but THIS is the swf file for it! I think it's rather lovely. Just needs some cricket sfx and it'll be perfect.

Hope you can see it... So check back soon for more things, and have a good one : )