Web Demos

A somewhat useless but still fun demo web app I've been working on as an example of what I can do with HTML/CSS/Javascript. It's still a work in progress. The form still needs lots of tweaking, and there are some bugs. But in a couple of weeks, the site will be fully functional and fully responsive. (July 2014)
See the source code on Github
View project via rawgit.com

Bloomsburg Children's Museum
A site for a fictional Children's Museum in Bloomsburg PA.  This demo is still a work in progress, with most work to be done on the Exhibits page.  Please note that the "Music Room" exhibit page is currently only working in Firefox and Chrome. (April 2014)
Bloomsburg Children's Museum Demo

Dangerous Waters
A game I made to try out CSS animations.  Mostly HTML/CSS with a little Javascript to make the game have a point.  Please note that it only works in Chrome and Safari at the moment.  (February 2014)
Dangerous Waters Demo with waves animation.  (Performs more slowly)
Dangerous Waters Demo without waves animation. (Performs better but is missing some ambiance)

SchoolBudget.phl.io repository
This is a project I’m contributing to as part of Girl Develop It’s Summer of Open Source Fellowship. My part of the project has been to develop a javascript json formatter that will convert csv data into a usable format. This is an ongoing project. See the repository here
And the current site here

Wonderland Knits
A mostly responsive landing page made with the Skeleton CSS framework for a fictional Knitted Apparel Online Store.  (November 2013)
Wonderland Knits Demo

The Cupcake Factory
The pre-production materials for the fictional Cupcake Factory bakery's one-page site.  I'm currently in the process of writing the code for this project. (April 2014)
Mood Board

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