Characters Layouts and Storyboards

I just want to preface this by saying that I tend to have high standards for my work, and by my own standards, a lot of this is sub-par.  I feel like I can do better.  But it's taking my drawing hand awhile to catch up to my ideals.  Frustration abounds. 

Nonetheless, this is a sample of my past work.  I do hope it makes for pleasant viewing. 

Please click on any of these images for a larger version.  Thanks oodles : )

This little guy starts as a cute baby dragon, but becomes a vengeful, angry beastie.

Birdie Burger, A 2 page comic

Storyboards from "Billy the Fish" in no particular order. All of these consist of a background drawn on drawing paper, and a overlaying sheet of tracing paper with the characters. It's a bit hard to read... I will do something about that soon. Sorry.

The forest Court Musicians, getting ready to play. 

Some full-color boards  from an animal-android-superhero post-apocalyptic adventure

Some different-era character turnarounds

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