Friday, March 14, 2014

Dangerous Waters

Hey all!  So, now that Spring is on the way I seem to feel my creative self thawing out along with everything else.  I'll probably be more active in coming days.  Yay : )

This is my project from the last few months.  For those who don't know, I've been taking classes in web development, and over the last break I started this little project.  It's a web page with a simple game on it.  It started as a contest entry on the forum (I was totally overambitious and missed the deadline by... six weeks?) and excuse to play with CSS3 animations (which are awesome, and super easy once you get the hang of them.)

Check it out on codepen:

Or check out the version without the wave animation.  
It runs a little better:

Please Note:  It only looks and works properly in Google Chrome on computers (not mobile devices) right now, for a variety of reasons. (Doing multiple prefixes for animation is a PAIN, different browsers seem to handle svg images differently, tablets/phones don't have a hover function, etc...)

For anyone interested, the Chrome browser is completely free, available on windows and Mac, and is definitely worth trying if you haven't yet.

It's funny that, even when I'm working in a medium that's supposedly completely different from Animation (web coding), I still end up doing animation.  Love it!

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