Thursday, April 18, 2013

I heart Giraffes!!

So lately my 30-minutes-drawing-a-day has been more 30 minutes every 3 days.  But my upcoming work schedule is a little less hectic, so that it going to change this week.  I don't like this batch quite so much, but these are some of the more finished and/or interesting ones.
I've also finished sprucing up some other work.  It's up on the Boards/Characters page to your right.

And I've been working on this giraffe walk.  It doesn't look like much yet, but it will.  I just have to figure out the best way to clean it up.  All those spots...

I like giraffes.  They're so graceful.  But kind of awkward too.  

My original idea was to do 30 walk cycles in 30 days, but I'm finding that I'm a bit rusty, and it's taking me longer than I'd like.  Plus with work and life and all of that, it's not always easy to find time.  But I'd be happy with a cycle a week.  That'd be amazing.

On my list: Red Panda walk, horse run, otter bounce, octopus... slither?  drag? Don't know what you'd call that...  So many cool animals to choose from.  Thank you youtube for your  abundance of reference material.  : )

Okay, so I'm back on the art-wagon now.  30 minutes of life drawing a day and a walk cycle a week.  I'm totally gonna do this. 

Have a great week!